
Is Medicare Advantage Right for You?

Is Medicare Advantage Right for You?

Many of us rarely had to dive deep into healthcare coverage when we were younger. Our employer usually offered it as a benefit. We had a couple of options, and we picked what we thought was best or maybe even cheapest.

When we get older and turn 65, insurance becomes more hands-on. The government provides us with Medicare, but it’s up to us to determine the coverage that best fits our lifestyle. In 1997, Medicare Advantage plans were introduced by the Balanced Budget Act. Since then, they have gained in popularity. Although not right for everyone, here are some reasons that a Medicare Advantage plan may be the right choice for you.

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Low or $0 Monthly Premium Payments

There is no other way to say it – insurance is expensive. However, many Medicare Advantage plans often have low-cost or even $0 premiums. This can help to alleviate some of your monthly costs associated with healthcare. Costs vary by plan, so you will want to be sure to shop around for the best coverage for you and your specific needs.

Dental, Vision, Fitness, and Hearing Coverage

Unlike Original Medicare, most Medicare Advantage plans cover services such as dental, vision, and hearing. In addition, many MA plans also include health and wellness benefits to help keep you healthy throughout the year. For example, SilverSneakers is a social fitness group usually offered free of charge to Medicare Advantage members. This provides you with gym and exercise class access without having to spend any money out-of-pocket. Learn more about SilverSneakers HERE.

Built-in Prescription Drug Coverage

Medication is often a pretty hefty expense for seniors, especially with most adults over 65 having to take more than one prescription. Medicare Advantage Part C makes it, so you don’t need a separate Part D plan. Your prescription drug coverage is a built-in benefit.

The Simplicity of One Plan

It can be a bit confusing when you start searching for Part A, Part B, and Part D coverage – trying to find all the coverage you need from three different plans. Part C typically includes everything from doctor visits to prescription drugs to hospital care and more. It is a plan that covers all your healthcare needs in one package.

Emergency Care Nationwide

You don’t want to end up without coverage while you’re traveling. All Medicare Advantage plans must provide coverage for urgent and emergency medical care throughout the United States.

Comprehensive Care Coordination

With Medicare Advantage, your care is brought together under one umbrella so that it can be seen as a whole. Your primary care provider is your healthcare quarterback.

Extra Benefits to Help You Achieve Better Health

Medicare Advantage plans are constantly expanding the benefits they offer that Original Medicare does not, i.e., transportation assistance, wellness programs, and telehealth visits.

Contact your insurance agent today and see if a Medicare Advantage plan is right for you! You just might save some money and get some extra benefits.

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