
How Medicare Advantage Helps with Chronic Conditions

How Medicare Advantage Helps with Chronic Conditions

Chronic diseases are conditions that are persistent, long-lasting, one year or more, and require ongoing medical attention. They also often limit activities of daily living. Chronic health diseases include heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Many Americans are plagued with at least one chronic disease, especially seniors. Nearly 95 percent of older adults have at least one chronic condition, and almost 80 percent have two or more.

Chronic conditions aren’t just debilitating. They’re time-consuming and often very costly to manage. According to the CDC, 90 percent of the nation’s $4.1 trillion in annual healthcare expenditures are for people with chronic and mental health conditions. This is why ensuring you have the best health coverage for your specific healthcare needs is essential. Unfortunately, no insurance plan is one-size-fits-all, so you need to do your research.

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Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage

If you suffer from chronic diseases, original Medicare may not be your best option, as there is a good possibility it won’t cover all your health expenses. Medicare Advantage typically covers more, including alternative or complementary care, and is often a good option to consider for Medicare beneficiaries battling chronic diseases. Here are a few reasons why Medicare Advantage is popular amongst those with chronic conditions.

Improved Quality

Medicare Advantage plans have been outperforming traditional fee-for-service Medicare on a variety of quality measures. MA plans offer significant initiatives in primary care and preventive services, care coordination, case management, and other activities designed to improve quality, with an emphasis on those with chronic conditions.

Less Out-of-Pocket Expenses

If you have Medicare Advantage, you are part of a managed care plan. This means that as long as you see providers within your network, your costs stay down. Medicare Advantage beneficiaries report spending nearly $2,000 less on out-of-pocket costs and premiums annually.

More Benefits at a Lower Cost

Medicare Advantage offers the same benefits as Original Medicare, but typically at a lower cost. And because Medicare Advantage can keep costs down, they’re able to offer additional benefits. For example, many Medicare Advantage plans include vision, dental, and hearing, as well as fitness benefits. These extra benefits can assist in treating and managing chronic conditions.

At VIPcare, our goal is to get you healthy and keep you healthy. We specialize in managing chronic health conditions for Medicare Advantage members. We take a whole-body approach and provide specialized care specific to you and your healthcare needs. Find a provider near you today. Call 866-926-3831

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